Current Projects

EMBRACE is an Erasmus + funded project
It involves 10 partners from 9 European Countries which are Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Spain and The Netherlands. The project aims to promote CSE in HEI educational programmes and improve students’ competences, employability and attitudes contributing to the creation of new business opportunities dealing with social change inside companies as well as promoting collaboration among companies.

SME/HPC is an Erasmus + funded project
It involves 8 partners from 6 European Countries which are Germany, Romania, Ireland, Moldova, Slovenia and United Kingdom.
The overall aims of the project are to enhance the levels of innovation capacities and capabilities of SMEs in peripheral regions by co-designing high-performance computing (HPC) awareness and education programmes for SME staff and owner/managers and to increase the levels of innovation, adaptability, relevance and responsiveness of HEIs to the needs of enterprises, to be able to deliver much more specialised and tailor- made courses.

The New Frontiers Programme is for potential entrepreneurs…
… who have a well thought-out innovative business idea or an innovative technology that has the potential to be developed into a scalable high potential start-up company. The programme is funded by Enterprise Ireland and is delivered in the South East region by Waterford Institute of Technology in collaboration with Institute of Technology Carlow (ITC).
New Frontiers is an intensive training and support programme that provides business master classes, mentoring, desk space, networking, plus €15,000 in financial support (subject to eligibility) to accelerate business start-up growth. ).
For further information please check out New Frontiers at:
Twitter: @newfrontiersse @witentrepreneur