Publications 2007 – 2014
Crosbie, N., O’Gorman, B., 2014, The “Chicken and Egg” Paradigm of the Regional Innovation Paradox, proceedings of the Regional Studies Association (RSA) Winter Conference 2014, London.
Brett, V., O’ Neill, A. and O’Gorman, B. (2014) Observing entrepreneurs in networks: reflecting on the relationship between the researcher and the participants’, International Journal for Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp.275–287.
O’Gorman, B., Donnelly, W., 2014, Ecosystems of open innovation: Their applicability to the growth and development of economies within small countries and regions, in Handbook on Politcs and Technology, Ulrich Hilpert (Ed)
O’ Gorman, B., Brett, V., and Afonso, O., 2014, Inter-regional institutional learning and its impact on knowledge transfer in regional economies in Proceedings of the University Industry Interaction Conference, Barcelona.
O’Gorman, B and Brett, V., 2014, A road map for regional innovation: A Technovation example, in Proceedings of the 59th Annual Conference of the International Council for Small Business, Dublin.
Power, J., Sinnott, E., O’Gorman, B., Fuller-Love, N., 2014, Developing self-facilitating learning networks for entrepreneurs: a guide to action’, International Journal Entrepreneurship and Small Business
O’Gorman, B., Donnelly, W, 2013, Knowledge-based networks: The jewel on the regional development crown, presentation to the Directing Committee of the Cooperative Action Programme on Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED), Derry-Londonderry
O’Gorman, B., Brett, V., 2012, Learning networks in a regional context: The SLNIW story, Regions, Vol. 286, No.2, pp 4-7
O’Gorman, B., Prytherch, A., Sinnott, E., Howells, A., Fuller-love, N., 2012, Gender differences in early group formation, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp 128-152
O’Gorman, B, Foller-Love, N, (Eds), 2011, Learning by Linking: Establishing Sustainable Business Learning Networks, Oak Tree Press, Cork
O’Gorman, B., 2011, Regional stakeholder cohesion: Myth, fantasy or reality, paper presented to the European Policy Research Centre, Strathclyde.
Dawson, C., Fuller-Love, N., Sinnott, E., O’Gorman, B., 2011, Entrepreneurs’ perceptions of business networks: does gender matter?, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Vol. 12, No. 12, pp. 245-255
O’Gorman, B., Crosbie, N., 2011, Programme for government 2011 – 2016: A recipe for enterprise creation, development and growth ?, Centre for Enterprise Development (CEDRE), School of Business, Waterford
O’Gorman, B., O’Donohoe, S., Crosbie, N, 2011, National recovery plan 2011 – 2014 and Budget 2011: Perspectives on competitiveness, Centre for Enterprise Development (CEDRE), School of Business, Waterford
O’Gorman, B., Crosbie, N., 2011, Cost of doing business in Ireland: Recent trends and competitiveness, Centre for Enterprise Development (CEDRE), School of Business, Waterford
O’Gorman, B., Fuller-love, N., 2011, (Eds), Learning by Linking: A Guide to Establishing Sustainable Business Learning Networks, Oak-Tree Press, Cork
Fuller-love, N., O’Gorman, B., 2011, (Eds), Networks, Learning and Entrepreneurship, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Nov. Vol 12, No.4
Power, J., Brett, V., Sinnott, E., O’Gorman and Fuller-Love, N., 2011, A Longitudinal Study Examining the Development of Entrepreneurial Learning Networks. RENT XXV Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference. University of Nordland, Bodo, Norway, (Forthcoming)
Sinnott, E and O’Gorman, B., 2011, Do men and women have different learning outcomes from a business learning network?, 34th ISBE Conference Sustainable Futures: Enterprising Landscapes and Communities. Sheffield, UK, (Forthcoming)
Mullally, M., Brett, V., O’Gorman, B, Carr, J and Fuller-Love, N., 2011, Facilitating trust among entrepreneurs to access tacit knowledge: The SNLIW story, 12th European Conference on Knowledge Management proceedings, University of Passau, Germany.
O’ Neill, A, and O’ Gorman, B., 2011, Understanding entrepreneurs motivations to disengage from networks, IAM Conference proceedings, Dublin.
Power, J., O’Neill, A, and O’ Gorman, B., 2011, Examining the influence of network attractiveness and commitment on network performance, 40th Annual Conference Regional Science Association International (RSAI) UK and Ireland Section. Cardiff.
Mullally, M., Brett, V., O’Gorman, B., 2011, The importance of trust to facilitate knowledge sharing within business learning networks, Action Research Colloquium, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland.
Power, J and O’Gorman, B., 2011, Developing sustainable learning networks: Accessing behavior and perceptions of entrepreneurs, Action Research Colloquium, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland.
Power, J., Brett., V., Fuller-Love, N., O’Gorman, B., 2011, Do opposites attract? The Interpersonal circumplex of behaviour in learning networks, 14TH Uddevalla Symposium 2011 on Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Technology and Transformation of Regions, Bergamo, Italy.
Carr, J., and Fuller-Love, N and O’Gorman, B., 2011, Refreshing the entrepreneurs that other business Schools cannot reach: The Implementation of Sustainable Self-Facilitated SME Learning Networks. International Council for Small Business (ICSB), Changes in Perspectives of Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Stockholm.
Brett, V., and O’Gorman, B., 2011, The Role of Higher Education Institutes as Intermediaries in Regional Economic Enhancement. 4th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, Macedonia.
Melo, P., O’Gorman, B, 2011, Geographic proximity: Critical for innovation or not? A Brazilian Case, ESAFIO, Revista de Economia e Administração” (Economy and Business Magazine) Vol.12, No.26, pp 7-18, (ISSN 1678-1821),
O’Gorman, B., O’Neill, A., 2010, Initial Motivations for Entrepreneurs to Join Learning Networks, Conference proceedings, ISBE, London
O’Gorman, B., Prytherch, A., Sinnott, E., Howells, A., Fuller-love, N., 2010, Gender Differences in Early Group Formation, Conference proceedings, ISBE, London
Lawless, Mary (2009), The influence of life coaching on entrepreneurs goal planning and attainment, Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Prenderville, B., O’Gorman, B., O’Dwyer, M., 2009, SME Internationalisation: Exploring the influence of networks, the psychological characteristics of the owner/manager and the mode of market entry on market selection, ISBE conference proceedings
Tynan, M., Thomas, T., Durand, M., O’Gorman, B., Fuller-love, N., 2009, Training female entrepreneurs: lessons from the FEIW project, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, vol 1.3, pp 253-260
O’Gorman, B., 2009, From e-factor to e-region: the role of higher education in stimulating entrepreneurship in rural regions, Regions 273, Spring 2009, Issn: 1367-3882
O’Gorman, B., Owens, N., 2009, Integrative and collaborative technology and knowledge transfer process – a catalyst for Regional Innovation Clusters (RICs), Conference proceedings, Proton Europe, Cardiff
Sinnott, Eileen (2008), An Exploration of Female Undergraduates’ Attitudes Towards and Perceptions of Entrepreneurship, Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Ryan, Damien (2008), An examination into how Irish SMEs socialise non-Irish-national employees into their workforce,
Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Durand, Margaret (2008), An Exploration of the Impact of Socialisation on the Decision of a Female to become an Entrepreneur,
Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Welter, F., Kolb, S., O’Gorman, B., Bugge, K.E., Hill, I., Peck, F., Roncevic, B., 2008, How to make regions (more) innovative, in U. Fueglistaller, T. Volery, W. Weber (Hrsg./Eds.): Innovation, Competitiveness, Growth and Tradition in SMEs, Papers presented to the Rencontres de St-Gall 2008, Beiträge zu den Rencontres de St-Gallen 2008, KMU-Verlag HSG ISBN 10: 3-906541-26-6 ISBN-13: 978-3-906541-26-6
Bugge, K.E., O’Gorman, B., Hill, I., Welter, F., 2008, Regional sustainability, innovation and welfare through an Adaptive Process Model, Conference proceedings, The Greening of Industry Network, The Cartesius Institute, and The Province of Fryslân, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Bugge, K.E., Blokland, H., Lier, G., Peck, F., Mulvey, G., Hill, I., Welter, F., Kolb, S., O’Gorman, B., 2008, Adaptive Model for Creating an RTD Investment Policy in Emerging and Developed Economies – General Introduction, Oak Tree Press, Cork
Bugge, K.E., Blokland, H., Lier, G., Peck, F., Mulvey, G., Hill, I., Welter, F., Kolb, S., O’Gorman, B., 2008, Developing Knowledge-based Regional Economies in Europe, Oak Tree Press, Cork
Tynan, M., O’Gorman, B., Fuller-Love, N, 2008, Developing Enterprise Training for Women Entrepreneurs, Oak Tree Press, Cork
Ryan, D., O’Gorman, B., 2008, Irish SMEs and Non-Irish-national Employees – Is The Honeymoon Over?, Conference proceedings, ISBE, Belfast
Fuller-Love, N., O’Gorman, B., Tynan, M., 2008, Female entrepreneurs’ use of business plans to raise finance to expand their businesses, Conference proceedings, DIANA, Belfast
Aylward, Elaine (2007), Traditional and Non-Traditional Female Entrepreneurs : An exploration into what influences thier selection of industry sector, Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
Hall, Denise (2007), Identifying the factors that influence Irish high-tech enterprises to choose one regional location over other Irish regions, Masters thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology.
O’Gorman, B., Cooney, T., 2007, ‘An anthology of enterprise policy in Ireland’, in Cooney, T., Ed. Special edition of Irish Journal of Management, Blackhall Publishing, Dublin
O’Gorman, B., Aylward, E., 2007, An insight into why women start service enterprises versus high technology enterprises, Conference proceedings, ISBE, Glasgow
Tynan, M, O’Gorman, B., Durand, M., 2007, A FEIW lessons learned: Reflections on a women only enterprise development programme, Conference proceedings, ISBE, Glasgow
O’Gorman, B., Owens, N., 2007, Owner/Managers of SMEs that Export are more Motivated and Better Educated than Owner/Managers of SMEs that do not Export: Fact of Fiction?, Conference proceedings, EISB, Slovenia
O’Gorman, B., Hall, D., 2007, An examination of the factors that influence high-tech entrepreneurs to locate in certain regions: The relevance of these factors to South East Ireland, Conference proceedings, EISB, Slovenia.